The Civilian Marksmanship Program (CMP) is a national organization dedicated to training and educating U. S. citizens in responsible uses of firearms and air guns through gun safety training, marksmanship training and competitions.
Do you have an M1 Garand, Mauser, Mosin Nagant, or some other old war horse gathering dust in the gun safe? Dig it out, dust it off, and come join us for some fun. The club will begin hosting regular Civilian Marksmanship Program (CMP) High Power Service Rifle matches throughout the shooting season.
Eligible firearms are any vintage or modern military service rifle, semiauto or bolt action, in an "as-issued" configuration (M1 Garand, 1903 Springfield, Mauser, Mosin Nagant, SKS, Enfield, Swiss K31, A2 / M4 profile AR-15, etc.). Iron sights only, with the exception of the AR-15's. CMP now allows an optical sight (reflective sights are considered optical sights) with a maximum power of 4.5X installed on the receiver. According to CMP rules, only commercially manufactured scopes that were produced with a maximum magnification of 4.5X and that have a maximum objective lens diameter of 34 mm may be used. The matches will take place on the 200 yard range and consist of a standard 30 round course of fire: - 10 round slow fire prone with a 10 minute time limit - 10 round rapid fire prone with a 80 second time limit - 10 round slow fire offhand (standing) with a 10 minute time limit.
The basic requirements are: - an eligible rifle - 40 rounds of ammo (the club does have a limited supply of 30-06 M2 ball available for $1/round) - a sling (a cheap GI web sling works the best) - an empty chamber indicator/flag (we will have extras available) - shooting mat, piece of carpet, or something to lay on while shooting prone - stripper clips, enblocs, spare magazine (for the rapid fire stage) - pen or something else to write with
Nice to have but not absolutely necessary: - target pasters - spotting scope - shooting jacket - shooting glove
The match fee will be a very reasonable $5 (2019 SEASON) We will have a few mentors/coaches available to make sure that everybody is comfortable with the process and has a good time. Come on out and join us for the fun!
Please contact Todd Hughes or Bill Burger to be added to the CMP Match mailing list for notifications concerning these matches or if you have any questions. thughes@fwpm.com
2020 Shooting Season will begin in April. Keep checking for the dates!!