Trap Shooting

The ORGC West Trap House was designed to accommodate a new trap machine - PAT-Trap, (made in the USA by trap shooters for trap shooters). This machine is capable of holding 550 targets and will throw both singles and doubles. In addition to the trap house, the trap field features concrete walkways and new lighting!
The trap house and field give us a competitive edge for Amateur Trap Association events, as well as provide state of the art equipment to meet an increased interest for this sport by high schools across the state, including Webster School District students, and our Tuesday Night Open Trap shooters. Trap is historically significant to ORGC, one of the oldest shooting sports, and a sport we can offer to youth shooters to continue the growth of sport shooting.
The project was supervised by ORGC seasoned trap shooters Doug Trumpowsky and Ralph Wroblewski!

Trap Shooting Resources